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NTT Broadcasts government proceedings to an audience of over 14 million constituents, approximately 35% of the entire population of the State of California. We offer local government on-site broadcasting of public meetings.  


-NTT broadcasts government proceedings to local tv and government channels; providing a fully managed, end to end solution to our government clients.

-NTT broadcasts government proceedings to local tv and government channels; providing a fully managed, end to end solution to our government clients.

NTT broadcasts government proceedings to local tv and government channels; providing a fully managed, end to end solution.

  1. Live distribution to local tv stations;

  2. Live distribution to government channel;

  3. Live distribution to building closed circuit video system;

  4. Production staffing to manage video production.


-NTT uses industry leading equipment & systems to stream and archive government meetings.

-NTT uses industry leading equipment & systems to stream and archive government meetings.

NTT broadcasts local government to the internet with leading technology and systems that include:

  • Live time-stamping of video during meeting;

  • Easy to access any portion of meeting video;

  • Share links of meeting video;

  • Meeting video provided with Mpeg3 audiofile and Mpeg4 video for easy downloading;

  • Meeting video stored indefinitely in archive.


-NTT expands upon local government transparency efforts with real-time captioning, language translation and meeting transcripts.

-NTT expands upon local government transparency efforts with real-time captioning, language translation and meeting transcripts.

NTT increases local government transparency with real-time closed captioning, language translation, and meeting transcripts.  These services enhance government transparency and are provided in real time.


-NTT provides local government the services they require to broadcast public meetings.

-NTT provides local government the services they require to broadcast public meetings.

Local government is only required to provide NTT broad direction of its requirements.  Moving forward, NTT deploys the resources required to ensure a successful government broadcast. NTT does all of the work required, while our valued government client does what they do best; govern.


-With NTT managed broadcast solutions, our valued clients can do what they do best; govern.

-With NTT managed broadcast solutions, our valued clients can do what they do best; govern.

It makes little financial sense for local government to expand staff to produce a handful of government meetings each month.  NTT Broadcast Solutions can provide the equipment and personnel to broadcast your meetings, precisely when you need it.